
Moxa CP-132N-T

CP-132N Series
CP-132N-T ; 2-port RS-422/485 Mini PCI Express serial board, -40 to 85°C operating temperature
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Features and Benefits

  • Mini PCIe interface support
  • 921.6 kbps maximum baudrate for fast data transmission
  • 128-byte FIFO and on-chip H/W, S/W flow control
  • Drivers provided for a broad selection of operating systems, including Windows and Linux
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Overview Specifications Accessories


The CP-132N is a Mini PCI Express multiport serial boarddesigned for various applications and users such as system integratorsand industrial automation system and industrial PC manufacturers.

The CP-132N is compatiblewith all popular operating systems and supports data rates up to 921.6kbps. It also provides 1 kV line-to-line surge protection and 2.5kV isolation (for the I model), ensuring compatibility with a widerange of industrial environments. Furthermore, the CP-132N is embeddedwith a DIP switch for easy adjusting of the terminal and pull-high/lowresistors for various environments and applications.

RS-485 Multidrop for up to 31 Devices Within 1.2 km

The CP-132N Series boards have two RS-422/485 serialports, each of which can achieve data rates up to 921.6 kbps. In RS-485mode, the boards can connect up to 31 daisy-chained RS-485 deviceswithin a range of 1.2 km. For long-distance RS-485 communication,choose the CP-132N-I-T model, which comes with 2.5 kV electrical isolationprotection to prevent equipment damage.

A New Family of Mini PCI Express Multiport Serial Boards for FasterTime to Market

Moxa’s new Mini PCI Express multiport serial board familyfulfills the need for customized expansion and enables faster timeto market for OEMs and system integrators. It includes Isolated andnon-Isolated RS-232/422/485 communication cards for various applications.

The serial boards featurehigh performance 16C950 compatible UARTs and are available in 4-portand 2-port versions compatible with all popular operating systems.They support data rates of up to 921.6 kbps and have 128-byte transmitand receive FIFOs. The serial boards can operate in the -40 to 85˚Ctemperature range. Door backets are included in the package for allmodels, enabling the installation of the serial boards in a Moxa IPCexpansion slot.