Shipping and Return Policy
Shipping and Return Policy
Free Shipping

We provide free ground shipping for all online orders over $99 shipped within the United States.
Same Day Shipping

All in-stock items ordered before 5PM Eastern Time are shipped the same business day.
30 Days To Return Policy

We have a 30 day return policy for most products provided that they are in original, unused condition and packaging. The return policy would not apply to special orders and custom-build items.
Once your return is received and inspected, we will process your refund back to the original payment method within 5 to 10 business days.

To place orders, you can use our secured online shopping cart or contact our friendly sales staff via telephone, email, online chat.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and offline purchase orders from those who have established accounts with us.
Net terms are available to qualified customers with sufficient credit history, please contact us if you would like to apply for a net term account.

All in-stock items usually ship within 1 business day.
For out-of-stock items, we will contact you immediately after receiving your order with estimated delivery time and any alternative option.
You can also cancel if the estimated delivery time does not meet your requirement.
Special Order

Our sales team will communicate with you the limitation for cancellation, return and refund of these special orders and obtain your approval before we process these orders:
Custom Order - for products requiring customized hardware and/or software functions.
Non Cancelable Non Returnable Order (NCNR) Order - for products manufactured on demand and/or with special instructions.