NPort S9650I-16F-2HV-SSC-T

Moxa NPort S9650I-16F-2HV-SSC-T

NPort S9650I Series
16-port fiber ST, rugged device server ,2x10/100M RJ45 1588v2,2xFiber single-SC, 110/220VDC/VAC,-40 to 85°C
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Features and Benefits

  • Supports up to 4 managed Ethernet switch ports (fiber available with some optional network modules)
  • 8/16-port RS-232/422/485 serial interface
  • Supports DNP3 and Modbus protocols
  • Ethernet redundancy with Turbo Ring/Chain and RSTP/STP supported
  • Real COM/TTY drivers for Windows and Linux
  • IEC 61850-3, IEEE 1613 (power substations) compliant
  • IEEE 1588v2 and IRIG-B time synchronization functions
  • Supports IEC 61850 MMS protocol
  • Security features based on IEC 62443/NERC CIP
  • -40 to 85°C wide operating temperature
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Overview Specifications Accessories


The NPort S9650I Series 8/16-port RS-232/422/485device servers, which come with a built-in full-function managed Ethernetswitch, are designed specifically for the harsh environmental conditionsfound in electrical substations. With both fiber and wired Ethernetports supported, the combination of a device server and Ethernet switchgives users the ability to easily install, manage, and maintain theNPort S9650I itself, as well as attached serial devices.

ElectromagneticCompatibility for Harsh Substation Environments

The NPort S9650I Series supports a high level of surge protectionto prevent damage from the types of power surges and EMI one findsin electrical substations and industrial automation applications.Combined with a -40 to 85°C operating temperature range and galvanizedsteel housing, the NPort S9650I is suitable for a wide range of industrialenvironments.

Another plus is the NPortS9650I’s dual power supplies, which provide both redundancy, as wellas a wide range of voltage inputs. The WV models accept a 24/48 VDCpower input (ranging from 18 to 72 VDC), and the HV models accepta power input of 88 to 300 VDC and 85 to 264 VAC.

Power SCADA With IEC 61850 MMS for Easy Maintenance

The current trend in power SCADA applicationsis to control and monitor both IT devices (switches, routers, etc.)and IEDs (sensors, actuators, etc.) with the MMS protocol. Contrastthis with the more traditional management approach of using SNMP forIT devices and MMS for IEDs. In fact, SIs may even need to managea variety of legacy devices that use proprietary communications protocols.

The NPort S9650I deviceservers are the world’s first device servers to integrate MMS intoan IT-type device designed specifically for power SCADA applications.The NPort S9650I even supports using MMS to monitor serial communicationsbetween the S9650I and legacy devices.

Supports Modbus/DNP3 Protocol Gateway

The NPort S9650I Series provides maximum flexibilityfor integrating industrial Modbus/DNP3 networks of all types and sizes.The NPort S9650I is designed to integrate Modbus TCP, ASCII, and RTUdevices in almost any master/slave combination, including simultaneousserial and Ethernet masters.

The NPort S9650I device servers also supportprotocol conversion between DNP3 serial and DNP3 IP, and all modelsare ruggedly constructed to ensure reliable operation.

Cybersecurity Features Based on IEC 62443/NERC CIP

The NPort S9650I Series has security featuresbased on IEC 62443/NERC CIP to provide a high level of cybersecurity.Protecting mission-critical networks from cyberattacks is a high priorityfor industrial automation applications, which can suffer large lossesdue to extended network downtime.

Supports IEEE1588v2 and IRIG-B Time Synchronization Functions

The NPort S9650I Series, which has a modular design that supportsIEEE 1588v2 and IRIG-B time synchronization, is able to interconnectand synchronize multiple types of intelligent electronic devices (IEDs)that use different communication protocols. The time source is providedvia IEEE 1588v2 and converted to IRIG-B for distribution to the IEDsvia the serial ports or via a dedicated IRIG-B BNC connector.

Ring Redundancy at the Device Level

Device-level communication networks for industrialautomation are very critical since they are used to control and monitordevice processes. The reliability of these communications dependson ring redundancy at the device level, which is designed to providefast network fault detection and reconfiguration to support the mostdemanding control applications. The NPort S9650I Series integrates afull-function NPort device server with an industrial switch to carryserial and Ethernet devices at the same time. In addition, the NPortS9650I Series can achieve ring redundancy with standard STP/RSTP andMoxa’s proprietary Turbo Ring or Turbo Chain 2 redundancy protocols.This all-in-one design can be used to optimize and simplify your devicenetwork and enhance reliability.