Moxa EDS-611 Series
Features and Benefits
- Modular design with 4-port copper/fiber combinations
- Hot-swappable media modules for continuous operation
- Turbo Ring and Turbo Chain (recovery time If the port link speed is 1 Gigabit or higher, the recovery time is , and STP/RSTP/MSTP for network redundancy
- TACACS+, SNMPv3, IEEE 802.1X, HTTPS, and SSH to enhance network security
- Easy network management by web browser, CLI, Telnet/serial console, Windows utility, and ABC-01
- Supports MXstudio for easy, visualized industrial network management
Product ID | Product Description | Availability | Price | Qty |
The versatile modular design of the compact EDS-611 Seriesallows users to combine fiber and copper modules to create switchsolutions suitable for any automation network. The EDS-611’s modulardesign lets you install up to 3 Gigabit Ethernet ports and 8 FastEthernet ports, and the advanced Turbo Ring and Turbo Chain (recoverytime
Models with an extendedoperating temperature range of -40 to 75°C are also available. TheEDS-611 Series supports several reliable and intelligent functions,including EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP, LLDP, DHCP Option 82, SNMP Inform,QoS, IGMP snooping, VLAN, TACACS+, IEEE 802.1X, HTTPS, SSH, SNMPv3,and more, making the Ethernet switches suitable for any harsh industrialenvironment.
Additional Features and Benefits
Command line interface (CLI) for quickly configuring majormanaged functions
SNMP Inform for ensuring reliable event management
LLDP for automated topology discovery
DHCP Option 82 for IP address assignment with differentpolicies
Supports EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP protocols for devicemanagement and monitoring
Compatible with PROFINET protocol for transparent datatransmission
Lock port function for blocking unauthorized access basedon MAC address
IGMP snooping and GMRP for filtering multicast traffic
Port-based VLAN, IEEE 802.1Q VLAN, and GVRP to ease networkplanning
QoS (IEEE 802.1p/1Q and TOS/DiffServ) to increase determinism
Port Trunking for optimum bandwidth utilization
SNMPv1/v2c/v3 for different levels of network management
RMON for proactive and efficient network monitoring
Bandwidth management to prevent unpredictable networkstatus
Automatic warning by exception through email and relayoutput
Port mirroring for online debugging