Moxa IEF-G9010 Series
Features and Benefits
- Compact industrial IPS firewall for network segmentation
- Industrial-grade Intrusion Prevention/Detection System (IPS/IDS)
- Object-based policy enforcement rules for protocol filtering and traffic control
- Easy network setup with Network Address Translation (NAT)
- Full OT network visibility when used with Security Dashboard Console (SDC)
- -40 to 75°C wide operating temperature range (-T models)
Product ID | Product Description | Availability | Price | Qty |
The Moxa IEF-G9010 Series industrial IPS firewall cansegment and hide your network and protect mission-critical assetswith industrial-grade IPS and granular access control. Meanwhile,the Security Dashboard Console (SDC) software, when used togetherwith the IEF-G9010 Series, offers another layer of protection throughcentralized critical asset visibility, network analysis, and autopattern updating.
CentrallyManage Network Security and Enhance OT Visibility
The IEF-G9010 Series sniffers network traffic and givesusers full visibility of current assets and connections, which helpsadministrators and operators understand the real-time conditions ofthe OT system. When connected to Security Dashboard Console, a securitymanagement platform, the administrators or operators can effectivelymanage and monitor all the intrusion prevention systems from a singlespace. This provides an easier way to monitor the devices and executepolicy, firmware, and pattern updates.
DynamicallyPrevent Malicious Cyber Threat Activity Affecting Your System
The IEF-G9010 Series is designed to protect mission-criticalassets at the OT network edge. It silently analyzes your network trafficin the background and offers granular behavior monitoring and controlof cyber activities. These firewall devices provide both “Monitor”and “Protect” modes to facilitate different OT scenarios. Monitoringmode gives administrators full visibility of cyber threat activities.In the case of an emergency, administrators can easily switch to “Protect”mode to block and contain any malicious operations.
IndustrialProtocol Whitelist Control for Mission-critical Assets
Using advanced Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) technology,the IEF-G9010 Series is equipped with industrial protocol awarenessto offer granular command of control system traffic to critical controllers.
VirtualPatching and Intelligent Threat Protection
Frequent patching significantly reduces a system’s vulnerabilityto cyberthreats. However, patching continues to be a major challengein OT environments because OT applications cannot afford interruptingoperations by shutting down systems to apply patches. Virtual patchingtechnology can help complement existing patch management processesby shielding known and unknown vulnerabilities. Virtual patching actsas an agentless emergency security tool that OT administrators andoperators can use to address vulnerabilities on affected OT equipmentquickly. The IEF-G9010 Series provides advanced protection againstthreats with up-to-date threat information and guards your systemsagainst undisclosed and zero-day threats.
Flexible LicenseUpgrades
The IEF-G9010Series supports flexible, on-demand expansion through Moxa’s licenseplatform. As your network grows, you can purchase additional licensesbased on your needs. The IEF-G9010 Series supports the following licenses:
LIC-IEF-NEW-1Y-XN-SR:1-year, IEF customizable node license (minimum 1 node)
LIC-IEF-NEW-XN-XM-DMR:IEF customizable node and duration license (minimum 1 node, 1 month)
LIC-SDC-NEW-1Y-XN-SR:1-year, SDC customizable node license (minimum 1 node)
LIC-SDC-NEW-3Y-XN-SR:3-year, SDC customizable node license (minimum 1 node)
LIC-SDC-NEW-5Y-XN-SR:5-year, SDC customizable node license (minimum 1 node)
LIC-SDC-NEW-XN-XM-DMR:SDC customizable node and duration license (minimum 1 node, 1 month)